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Education > Universities

Universities in Kerala

1. Kerala University - Thiruvananthapuram-695034 [email protected] [email protected]
2. Calicut University - Kozhikkod
3. Cochin University of Science and Technology- Kochi [email protected]
4. Mahatma Gandhi University- Kottayam Tel: 0481-7605S
5. Kannur University-Kannur Tel: 505360, Fax: 0497-505320.
6. Kerala Agricultural University-Thrissur
7. Sri Sankara University of Sanskrit- Kalady

Name of University Degree Post Graduate Total
Kerala University 49145 5271 94757
Mahatma Gandhi University 39194 4577 89268
Calicut University 43658 3663 81622
Kannur University 12888 1074 24474
Total 144885 14585 290121


1) Central Institute of Fisheries, Nautical and Engineering Training, Cochin
2) Central Marine Fisheries, Research Institute, Cochin


College of Horticulture, Vellanikara, Trichur

Agricultural Institutes

1) Kerala Agricultural University, Main Campus, Vellanikkara, Trichur-680654 [email protected]
2) College of Agriculture, Vellayani, Trivandrum, Kerala


Institute of Poultry Management of India, Uruli Kanchan, Pune-412202


1) Dental College, Kozhikode-673008
2) Academy of Medical Sciences, Periyardm-670502
3) T.D.Medical College, Allapuzha-688005
4) Athurasaramam N.S.S.Homeopathic Medical College, Sachitothamapuram, Kottayam-686532
5) Medical College, Mulankunnalthukavu, Trissur
6) Government Homeopathic Medical College, Calicut, Kerala
7) Government Ayurveda College, Jawahar Nagar, Thiruvananthapuram-41
8) Dr.Padlar Memorial Homeopathic Medical College, Ernakulam

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