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Education > Higher Secondary

Higher Secondary Schools in Kerala (2000 Report)

A substantial increase of secondary schools was found in Kerala, ie.,during 1996-97 there were 2,580 secondary schools as against 895 in 1960-61.These include 975 Government schools (37.67%), 1,400 private aided schools (54.1%) and213 private unaided schools (8.23%).

Government:- 417
Aided:- 506

Note: 4 Nos. of unaided HSS started as per directions of Hon'ble High Court during 1998 have been converted into Aided HSS in 2000.

Subject-wise Annual Intake of Students in Higher Secondary Schools - 2000.

Subject Boys Girls Total
Science 40173 55477 95650
Humanities 15133 20897 36030
Commerce 14246 19674 33920
Total 69552 96048 165600

Vocational Higher Secondary Education

It was formally introduced in Kerala at the higher secondary level (+2 stage) in 1983-84. There are 322 VHS School (231 Govt. & 91 Private) handling 814 schools of Vocational courses in 45 subjects. Subjects are related to agriculture ( livestock management and fisheries), health and paramedical service, business and commerce, home science and humanities and service sectors in engineering and technology.Clothing and embroidary, cosmetology and management of beauty parlours, creche-pre-school management are courses exclusively for girls.

District-wise Number of Vocational Higher Secondary Schools in Kerala.

District Total
Thiruvananthapuram 41
Kollam 51
Pathanamthitta 27
Alappuzha 21
Kottayam 31
Idukki 16
Ernakulam 34
Thrissur 36
Palakkad 24
Malappuram 26
Kozhikode 28
Wayanad 7
Kannur 16
Kasargod 16
Total 374

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